Publicações Científicas
A. C. Riekstin and B. B. Rodrigues and K. K. Nguyen and T. C. M. de Brito Carvalho and C. Meirosu and B. Stiller and M. Cheriet, “A Survey on Metrics and Measurement Tools for Sustainable Distributed Cloud Networks,” in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 1244-1270, Secondquarter 2018. doi: 10.1109/COMST.2017.2784803. | PDF
Paper/Accepted – Zorello, L. M. M.; Vieira, M. G. T.; Tejos, R. A. G.; Rojas, M. A. T.; Meirosu, C.; Carvalho, T. C. M. B.. Improving Energy Efficiency in NFV Clouds with Machine Learning. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2018). July 2018. | PDF
Paper/Published – Zorello, L. M. M. Rojas, M. A. T.; Coupechoux, M.; Vaze, R.; Carvalho, T. C. M. B.. Performance analysis of online matching algorithms for D2D communications. In: 2017 IEEE 9th LatinAmerican Conference on Communications (LATINCOM 2017). November 2017. | PDF
Nascimento, V. T., Gimenes, A. L., Carvalho, T. C. M., & Meirosu, C. (2016, November). Energy management service layer for cloud computing costs reduction. In Communications (LATINCOM), 2016 8th IEEE Latin-American Conference on (pp. 1-6). IEEE. | PDF
A. C. Riekstin, B. B. Rodrigues, V. T. Nascimento, C. B. Progetti, T. C. M. d. B. Carvalho and C. Meirosu, “Sustainability Information Model for Energy Efficiency Policies,” in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 176-184, November 2016. doi: 10.1109/MCOM.2016.1600222CM. | PDF
Paper/Published – Rodrigues, B. B., Rojas, M. A. T., Nascimento, V. T., Carvalho, T. C., Meirosu, C. Green Service Levels in Software Defined Networks. Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC 2016). June, 2016. | PDF
Journal/Published – Riekstin, A. C., Januario, G. C., Rodrigues, B. B., Nascimento, V. T., Carvalho, T. C., Meirosu, C. (2015). Orchestration of energy efficiency capabilities in networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, pp, n.99, p.1-1, 2015. | PDF
Journal/Published – Riekstin, A. C., Januario, G., Rodrigues, B.B., Nascimento, V., Carvalho, T., Meirosu, C. (2015). A Survey of Policy Refinement Methods as a Support for Sustainable Networks. Communications Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE, PP, n.99, p.1-1, 2015. | PDF
Demo/Published – Riekstin, A.C.; Rodrigues, B.B.; Januario, G.C.; Nascimento, V.T.; Carvalho, T.C.M.B.; Meirosu, C., A demonstration of energy efficiency capabilities orchestration in networks. Integrated Network Management (IM), 2015 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.1149-1150, 11-15 May 2015. | PDF
Experience Paper/Published – Rodrigues, B.B.; Riekstin, A.C.; Januario, G.C.; Nascimento, V.T.; Carvalho, T.C.M.B.; Meirosu, C. GreenSDN: Bringing energy efficiency to an SDN emulation environment. Integrated Network Management (IM), 2015 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.948-953, 11-15 May 2015. | PDF
Short Paper/Published – Riekstin, A.C.; Januario, G.C.; Rodrigues, B.B.; Nascimento, V.T.; Pirlea, M. R.; Carvalho, T.C.M.B.; Meirosu, C.. Orchestration of Energy Efficiency Functionalities for a Sustainable Network Management, in Network Computing and Applications (NCA), 2014 IEEE 13th International Symposium on, vol., no., pp.157-161, 21-23 Aug. 2014. | PDF
Poster/Published – Riekstin, A. C.; Carvalho, T. C. M. B. Automated Refinement of Sustainability-Oriented Policies for a Sustainable Network Management. In: Third IFIP Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability, 2013, Palermo, Italy. | PDF
2013 – Paper/Published – Januario, G. C.; Costa, C. H. A.; Amaral, M. C.; Riekstin, A. C.; Carvalho, T. C. M. B.; Meirosu, C.; Evaluation of a policy-based network management system for energy-efficiency. IFIP/IEEE Integrated Network Management (IM 2013), Guent, Belgium. | PDF
Book Chapter/Published – Carvalho, T. C. M. B.; Meirosu, C.; Amaral, M. C.; Januario, G. C.; Costa, C. H. A.; Miers, C.; Gabos, D.; Cheng, E. L.; Figueiredo, L. B. Sustainability-Oriented Policies applied to Network Management – A practical view of refinement and application of sustainability-oriented policies. In 2013 (Org.). Mini-Course in SBRC 2013. 1ed. SBRC, 2013, v. 1, p. 259-318. | PDF
Paper/Published – Amaral, M. C..; Costa, C. H. A.; Carvalho, T. C. M. ; Meirosu, C. REASoN – REliability and/or Availability evaluation for Sustainable Networking. Proceedings of the RNDM’12 – 4th International Workshop on Reliable Networks Design and Modeling. Outubro/2012. Russia, St. Petersburg. | PDF
Paper/Published – C. H. A. Costa, M. C. Amaral, G. C. Januário, T. C. M. B. Carvalho and C. Meirosu, “SustNMS: Towards service oriented policy-based network management for energy-efficiency,” Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT), 2012, Pisa, 2012, pp. 1-5. | PDF